Friday, December 28, 2007

Getting a Picky Eater to Eat Veggies

I'm married to a chef, which means I haven't had to cook for over 10 years!!!! Now that we have a child, I've had to learn to cook all over again. With 5 meals a day, some of them must be cooked.
I just bought Jessica Seinfeld's book 'Deceptively Delicious', and I must say, I love it! It's about adding vegetable purees to standard kid-friendly fare to sneak them in. She also puts the recognizable version on their plates in hopes that they'll learn to like them, eventually.
I remembered that I used to do something similar to his baby food... add baby meats to the baby veggies or pastas that he liked to give him more protein. It's a natural transition to do this with whatever element is lacking in his diet.
My child could live, and in some ways has, on fruit and bread. I'll admit I'm surprised to have a picky eater, since my husband and I are fairly adventurous eaters. But this is the hand I'm dealt, so I will play. If you have a picky eater, I'd love any tips you'd care to share!